How to Consult the I Ching Oracle
This post will focus on the coin toss method, because it is the most widely used today and it is simple to do at home. Other methods include the more traditional yarrow stick reading, and the various online alternatives available today.
You'll need three coins. Some people will use coins which inspire meaning to them, such as coins minted in their birth year, but this is not necessary. Others use old Chinese coins to add an authentic element to their reading. If you're going to consult the I Ching regularly, it is recommended that you use the same three coins each time.
Begin by writing down your question. There are 64 possible combinations of an I Ching consultation; this means there are 64 possible answers to your question. Therefore I Ching will not respond to 'yes or no' questions; open-ended enquiries tend to generate more in-depth results. When thinking of a question, be careful to phrase it carefully. Instead of "will I become rich?", try "what will my finances be like this year?".
Toss the three coins together. Each combination has been assigned a different numerical value; heads is the 'yin' value and is worth 3, and tails is the 'yang' value and is worth 2. This means your total score of the three coins will sit at 6, 7, 8 or 9, inclusive. For example, three heads add up to 9. One head and two tails will be 7, and so on. Record your result. This is line 1 (the bottom line) of 6 lines in your hexagram.

Conversion Table: Psychic I Ching
Each number has a hexagram line assigned to represent it. Repeat the coin-toss five more times, and draw each line above the previous until you have a hexagram. To interpret your hexagram, there a vast numbers on of online calculators available. Alternatively you can try a book or visit a professional. Remember that I Ching results are highly volatile and need to be interpreted contextually. Consider looking at a variety of sources and interpreters before confirming an answer to your question.
Good luck!